Ehsan Saboohi


14 Jun 2023
"Situations” Is the fourth installment of the ‘Politics-Aesthetics’ series, composed by Ehsan Saboohi. This series is composed in the form of small pieces, in the terms of playback duration, starting from 0.001, ending on 0.999. Saboohi is experiencing new forms in art using the “Loop making” technique. This series will be sold in three editions: 1. The first edition will be available in the form of NFT art on OpenSea platform with the following URL: ...
26 May 2023
Discourse Block Omega Reflections on Postorientalist Music
Discourse Block Omega Reflections on Postorientalist Music Authors: Postorientalism Research Group May 2023 Copyright Postorientalism All rights reserved No unauthorized copying Introducing the concept of “paradigm” in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn argues that for a given paradigm to emerge as a result of a scientific revolution some conditions must be met. The emergence of new problems and lack of sufficient and agreeable ...
12 Apr 2022
Post-orientalism music
Post-Orientalism is a term coined by the Composer and music theorist Ehsan Saboohi to describe a music language for analyzing the aesthetics of his and his colleagues' compositions. Saboohi defines this language as follows: "Post-Orientalism is a modern music language that uses microtonal sounds and intervals alongside altered sound chain and block structures to achieve a post-orientalism musical piece in different acoustic and electroacoustic compositions." Ehsan Saboohi, in his third composition ...
09 Mar 2018
Concerto for Solo Actress: The Legend Of Yush's Poet (by Ehsan Saboohi)
“Concerto for Solo Actress” Is Available To Watch, listen, Streaming, Download and Share NOW! Direct links: <iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" ...
04 Mar 2018
Concerto for Solo Actress: The Legend Of Yush's Poet
Concerto for Solo Actress: The Legend Of Yush's Poet (by Ehsan Saboohi)The structure of this "concerto" is a combination of contemporary Naghali (recounting stories), spoken word, and contemporary performance art. The actress here creates musical events with voice, body, and movement; a bit like a piano concerto that does not have an orchestra. For me, the Mise-en-scène functions like the orchestration of a piece.Naqqāli (or Naghali) is the oldest form of dramatic performance in Iran. Historically, it ...
05 Nov 2016
HAIKUS (Iran-Netherlands Electro-Acoustic Music Project)
HAIKUS (Iran-Netherlands Electro Acoustic Music Project) available on iTunes: about project: The Album 'Haikus' is a joint product of Ehsan Saboohi (Iranian Contemporary Composer) and Gerda Geertens (Dutch Contemporary Composer and philosopher). The idea was a proposal from Foekjen Verhoef (Piano instructor). The piano department of the SKVR cultural centre in Rotterdam organised three concerts and recording. Piano students were practising the pieces and familiarising themselves with the contemporary ...
05 Nov 2016
HAIKUS (Iran-Netherlands Electro-Acoustic Music Project)
Music-Haiku, a title suggested by the Iranian Composer Ehsan Saboohi, can be used and developed as a new structure along with other known forms. The core idea of this form is inspired by Haiku poetry. In Haiku there are three verses with five, seven, and five syllables respectively. In Music-Haiku, musical sound in the form of chords or center-less tones take the place of words and syllables. Music-Haiku is made of smallest elem ents existed on structural music (Rhythmic, Homophonic and Melodic ...
25 Sep 2015
Phonemes Requiem
Phonemes Requiem (2014-2015)  (For four Soloists, mixed Chorus, Didgeridoo, prepared Tombak, Electronics, Computer) Release Date -  18th September 2015  Available on:
09 Aug 2014
International released "Chaos in the Cosmos"
03 Jun 2014
Chaos in the Cosmos
Electronic & Electroacoustic works release date: June 10, 2014 in Iran limited edition